Do You Need A Special Mattress For An Adjustable Bed?


If you have trouble sleeping, wake up with back pain, or if you just want a cool bed, you might benefit from an adjustable bed. You might also be asking yourself, “Do I need a special mattress for an adjustable bed?”

If so, read on to find out more about adjustable beds and appropriate mattresses!

What's an Adjustable Bed?

An adjustable bed is a bed base that can contort itself for many purposes. If it’s hard to visualize, you can think of a comfy hospital bed instead.

If that analogy worries you, don’t worry! Adjustable beds, while it can be just as helpful as hospital beds, have a completely different look and feel. It’s sleek and stylish and is a bringer of rest and peace.

It comes in a variety of sizes and styles, with designs that can match most room styles. In fact, it might just be what your bedroom is missing.

These are powered by motors controlling the movement of the adjusting bed panels. Some fancier models come with extra features that are all completely optional but also quite exciting. Adjustable beds are also great for health and wellness.

With these, you’ll see just how much will improve when you finally sleep the way your body wants.

Since this is a moving bed frame, some mattress adjustments might also need to be made. While there’s no specific mattress that’s designated only for adjustable beds, there are mattress designs that are definitely optimized for it.

Adjustable Bed Pros and Cons

We’ve listed down five pros and cons you can mull over that could help you make the right decision. First are the pros or the advantages of having an adjustable bed:

Pain Relief

A lot of people wake up with back pain that most people just ignore. With an adjustable bed, your body can stretch out at a proper incline so you can wake up with a refreshed body. A bed that can contour to your shape helps eliminate discomfort as you sit up or lay down, instead of allowing your body to just rest against it.

Enhances Comfort And Productivity

Since you can adjust it to your body’s needs, you’ll be able to use this as a pseudo sofa, lounger, and bed any time in the day. If you read in bed, it helps you sit up comfortably rather than straining your back as you sit.

Helps Out In The Intimacy Department

You know what this is. All the creativity for this is up to you and your imagination.

Full Of Health Benefits

Other than relieving body aches, adjustable beds can help with a whole load of other health issues as well. This alleviates snoring, acid reflux, and heartburn while improving possible swelling, digestion, and arthritis problems.

It might also help out if you’re dealing with bouts of insomnia. Hospitals use adjustable beds for a reason and now you can experience all these benefits on your own!

Exciting Features Of Adjustable Beds

Adjustable bed bases come with a bunch of features that no one ever thought could be in a bed frame before. Massagers, USB ports, lumbar support, and wall-hugging features are a few things you might find in adjustable bed frames. Not all will have these but it’s definitely something to look forward to.

Since nothing is perfect, adjustable beds do come with some disadvantages that could be a serious turn-off. Here are five cons to consider when exploring adjustable beds:

1. Adjustable Bed Bases Are Pricey

Since these are built-in with motors and technology, the price bumps up quite a bit compared to standard bed frames. It’s definitely an investment but it usually comes with a long-term warranty for some peace of mind.

2. Possibility Of Motor Failures And Poor Construction

Not all adjustable beds are made equal. Some motors run with noise as it’s adjusted, while some are simply poorly made which could mean lots of repairs. It’s important to read up on reviews and to look closely at alternatives to see which one meets your needs best.

3. Heavy Units

Built-in motors come with weight and adjustable beds have a lot of it. This could be an issue during set up or while you’re moving since it isn’t possible to lift it on your own and you’ll need some help to move it. This could also be a bad decision if you have weak floors, though it shouldn't be a problem thanks to building regulations.

4. Not Kiddie Friendly

These beds move a lot and when a part lifts, the motor beneath is more accessible. Anyone knows that kids tend to endanger themselves out of sheer curiosity, making it important to not let a child operate it since all it takes is one outstretched arm for disaster to strike. But with parental guidance, it’s much safer.

5. Current Mattress Might Be Incompatible

Specific mattresses are great for adjustable beds while others can be completely incompatible. The completely incompatible mattress is one featuring Bonnell hourglass springs since these coils don’t allow for much movement and flexibility.

Some adjustable beds also come split in two, meaning you might need two smaller mattresses instead of one big one.

Many other mattresses would work well on adjustable frames but some are more recommended than others. To see if your mattress is compatible, here’s a guide to help you out.

Mattress Buying Guide For Adjustable Beds

1. Mattress Type

There are many kinds of mattresses out there but the most recommended type of material for adjustable beds are memory foam mattresses, whether traditional, gel, or plant-based. This is because memory foam mattresses allow much flexibility, back support, and are very durable.

Memory foam might be the best option in general since it allows lots of flexibility and body support. Since adjustable bed bases are great for pain relief and back support, having a mattress that can give even more support would be great. It’s also very durable despite being a more affordable mattress option.

Other possible mattress types are latex, which are more expensive, and airbed mattresses, which are less bendy. What’s important is the mattress’s flexibility — an adjustable frame requires a mattress that can move with it.

2. Mattress Thickness

Mattress thickness also helps with flexibility and comfort. Thin mattresses, though flexible, won’t be good for support and comfort, while mattresses that are too thick are comfortable but not flexible enough.

Opinions on the perfect thickness depend but the general consensus is that 8” is the minimum thickness, with 12” for the thickest recommended mattress.

Comfort and flexibility should never be sacrificed for the other. If thicker mattresses are what works for you, there are adjustable frames made to handle thicker levels. However, adjustable bed frames, in general, will work best with average thickness. If it's a question of firmness, this won’t affect the use of an adjustable bed frame so long as flexibility is present.

3. Mattress Size and Length

Since adjustable bed frames come in many sizes and styles, there are different needs per design. It’s common sense that if you get a split adjustable bed, you’ll need two mattresses for each side. However, a clever recommendation is to have a mattress that’s slightly longer than the bed frame.

The logic this follows is that, since the frame moves, the mattress needs extra room too. It’s similar to how a bent elbow stretches out any excess skin in the joint area and honestly makes sense.

If the frame allows it, adding 3” or more in mattress length is a tiny detail that could help out considerably. However, if your frame comes with a lip around it, this might not be an option since that design requires a perfectly fitting mattress.

Final Thoughts

In summary, adjustable beds seem to be a smart investment with some serious cons to consider. It’s not for everyone but it can do awesome things for anyone’s sleep.

With new bed frames, the question about needing a new mattress will always spring up and the answer will always be that it depends on your current one’s material and quality.

We’ve equipped you with a whole lot of adjustable bed basics, now it’s time for you to dream sweet dreams!
